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Terms & Conditions

Welcome to VisualAIze, a phone application designed to assist visually impaired individuals. This form provides important information about the app and your consent to use it. Please read this form carefully before agreeing to use the app.

VisualAIze is designed to enhance the independence and quality of life for blind and visually impaired individuals by providing assistance in navigation, reading text, and recognizing objects.


By using VisualAIze, you will have access to various features, including:
- Navigation assistance to help you move from one location to another.
- Text recognition to read printed materials and signs.
- Object identification to recognize items in your environment.

Data Collection and Usage
To improve the functionality of VisualAIze, certain data will be collected and stored. This may include:
- Location data to provide accurate navigation assistance.
- Usage data to understand how the app is being used and to improve its features.
- Audio recordings to assist in text and object recognition.

All data collected will be stored securely and used solely to enhance the performance and user experience of the app. Your data will not be shared with third parties without your explicit consent.

Risks and Benefits
Using VisualAIze involves minimal, but some potential risk. The primary risk is when the generated response includes a direction that may cause you to collide with an object or person. However, we advise you to use the normal level of precaution that comes with being a person with visual impairment, e.g. trusting your instincts if you sense an object may be closer or in a slightly different location than advised, as well as performing any necessary physical checks before making any movements. Secondary risk may be frustration or discomfort if the app does not perform as expected. The benefits include increased independence and improved quality of life through enhanced navigation and recognition capabilities.

Your privacy is important to us. All personal data will be kept confidential and stored securely. Only authorized personnel will have access to your data. Any reports or publications will not include information that could identify you.

User Responsibilities
As a user of VisualAIze, you agree to:
- Be 18 years of age or older
- Use the app in a safe and responsible manner
- Provide feedback to help improve the app's features and functionality
- Report any issues or bugs you encounter while using the app

Voluntary Use
Your use of VisualAIze is voluntary. You may choose to stop using the app at any time. If you decide to stop using the app, you can request that your data be deleted.

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